Dundee Liberal Democrats encourage members to support "Liberal Democrat News"
In their latest "Update" to local party members, Dundee Liberal Democrats emphasise the growing readership of the LibDems' weekly newspaper "Liberal Democrat News."
In their latest "Update" to local party members, Dundee Liberal Democrats emphasise the growing readership of the LibDems' weekly newspaper "Liberal Democrat News."
On the eve of the Radio 1 Big Weekend coming to Dundee's Camperdown Park, Dundee Liberal Democrats have wished the event every success and praised the BBC's choice of venue for this huge music festival.
Dundee Liberal Democrats have today (Thursday 11th May) condemned the failure of the "New Labour" Government's pensions policy following the government's admission that its target of paying 3 million pensioner households Pension Credit by March 2006 will not be met.
Dundee City Council Liberal Democrat Vice Convener of Environmental Services and Sustainability, Cllr Helen Dick, said today (Thursday 11th May) that she fully backed comments made earlier this week by Jo Swinson MP, Liberal Democrat Shadow Scottish Secretary, that the future shape of the UK's National Grid must not be weighted in favour of new nuclear power.
Dundee East Liberal Democrat parliamentary spokesperson Dr Clive Sneddon has today (Wednesday 10th May) criticised the New Labour government for recklessly undermining the Post Office network, and for having no plan to improve the situation.
Dundee Liberal Democrat local party Convener Raymond Lawrie has today (Tuesday 9th May) welcomed the Scottish Arts Council's decision to increase funding to the thriving arts community in Dundee.