"Working to keep Council Tax increases as low as possible" - Dundee Liberal Democrat Finance Convener

Dundee City Council's Liberal Democrat/Labour administration last night (Monday 13th February) delivered a revenue budget that left the Council Tax increase in the City at just 2.63%
This is below the average increase of the 29 councils that have already set their Council Tax.
City Council LibDem Finance Convener, Cllr Fraser Macpherson said, "No one should be under any illusion about what a considerable achievement this is. The SNP alternative would have increased Council Tax higher.
"Council Tax stability is a key strategic priority for the Administration and we are committed to keeping increases to a minimum without compromising essential Council services.
"We, as a joint administration, will continue to work hard for all our citizens to deliver quality services at a reasonable cost," concluded Cllr Macpherson.