West End News : Peddie Street speeding concern : Cllr Fraser Macpherson speaks out

LibDem Councillor for Tay Bridges Ward, Fraser Macpherson, has today (10th March 2006) backed calls for all drivers to respect speed limits in Peddie Street in Dundee's West End.
Residents have expressed concern about the speed of some vehicles and Cllr Macpherson advised that over the past year he had been in contact with the City Council's Planning & Transportation Department about the issue and that speed surveys have been carried out on Peddie Street.
Cllr Macpherson said, "I was advised that the last speeding survey showed average speeds both north and south-bound of 28mph, but the Council also told me that there is evidence of a small number of drivers speeding - which they described to me as "sadly typical of other residential streets".
"Speeding in a street like Peddie Street is particularly irresponsible as its not only near to Blackness Primary School and has a volume of parked cars, it also has a cobbled surface, which can result in skidding.
"Following my last request, I asked that Peddie Street be considered in relation to 20 mph speed limit and traffic calming. At the moment only the part of the street nearest Blackness Primary School is part of a 20mph zone.
"The Council advises that accident analysis forms an important part of the prioritising process for traffic calming to ensure the most hazardous sites are tackled, and its clear that many residents have real concern about the speed of some cars in Peddie Street and a number of other local streets," concluded Cllr Macpherson.