West End News : Councillor welcomes preservation of footpath access

Dundee LibDem City Councillor for Tay Bridges Ward, Cllr Fraser Macpherson, has welcomed a commitment that pedestrian access along the north side of Riverside Drive will be safely maintained during construction of more than 200 flats on the site of the former Homebase store.
"Many residents have expressed their disappointment about the decision to build over 200 flats on the former Homebase site, and one of the areas of concern raised has been the need to maintain the pedestrian link to Tesco and the City Centre from the West End, along Riverside Drive's north side," explained Cllr Macpherson.
"Although the finalised project would see the preservation of a walkway on the north side of Riverside Drive, I was really concerned that, during the construction phase, pedestrians would be given assurances that they would not have to cross to the south side of the road. Riverside Drive is tremendously busy, with vehicles travelling at speed and I would have real safety concerns at the possibility of pedestrians being expected to cross such a busy roadway," continued Cllr Macpherson.
"I contacted the Council's Planning and Transportation Department asking them to seek assurances from the developer's architect that pedestrian access be maintained with full safety measures and I am pleased to say that such assurances have now been given. The architect has indicated that his client will accept that pedestrians will remain on the north side of Riverside Drive and the contractor will have to provide protection," concluded Cllr Macpherson.