SNP complacent on Equal Pay and Single Status Agreement, says Dundee Liberal Democrat Finance Convener

Cllr Fraser Macpherson, Convener of Dundee City Council's Finance Committee, has expressed his astonishment at the "highly misleading and inaccurate" comments from SNP spokesperson Cllr Joe Fitzpatrick on the subject of Equal Pay and the Single Status Agreement.
"I am taken aback at Cllr Fitzpatrick's highly misleading comments on this subject in tonight's press. The suggestion that the City Council would not be progressing matters 'for at least another year' is preposterous - I don't know where Cllr Fitzpatrick dreamed that one up and all I can say is that his comments are unfortunately really misleading.
"The City Council has already held constructive discussions with the trades unions on these important issues and there is absolutely no suggestion whatsoever that this has been delayed for at least another year," commented Cllr Macpherson.
"Cllr Fitzpatrick's contention that if we merely delay matters for another year it would mean "there shouldn't be too many problems" is incredibly complacent - City Council employees rightly expect to see constructive dialogue now. Furthermore his suggestion that we will somehow miraculously find a whole load of savings in a year's time which will foot the bill is almost touchingly simplistic," concluded Cllr Macpherson.