Scottish Recycling success mirrored in Dundee

Figures issued today (Monday 6th February 2006) by the Scottish Executive show that Scotland has recycled 25.1% of waste in the second quarter of 2005-06.
Liberal Democrat Environment Minister for Scotland, Ross Finnie MSP, in announcing the figures, also launched a consultation to get the views of the people of Scotland on what more can be done to promote household waste prevention.
Here in Dundee, Liberal Democrat councillor Helen Dick, who is the Council's Vice-Convener of the Environmental Services and Sustainability Committee, said that she was delighted that Dundee's recycling record bettered the Scottish average (the quarter July to September 2005 had Dundee figures at 29.9% compared to the 25.1% Scottish average) and added that the City Council's Liberal Democrat/Labour administration has put environmental and sustainability issues at the core of its priorities.
Dundee's Liberal Democrat Councillors Helen Dick and Fraser Macpherson have already called on Dundonians to make 2006 the City's Environment-Aware Year. Helen said, "Its really good news to see Dundee's improving municipal waste recycling and composting rate continuing to improve and the City Council will continue to actively encourage Dundonians to recycle."