LibDem councillor highlights local concerns about parking on Magdalen Green

Fraser Macpherson, Liberal Democrat Councillor for Dundee's Tay Bridges Ward, has highlighted the concerns residents have raised about vehicles parking on Magdalen Green. The problem has increased in recent months, and there has been particular concern about vehicles parking on the Green near the junction with Riverside Approach, and, indeed, vehicles parking right across the junction itself.
Following Fraser's request, the City Council's Planning and Transportation Department has agreed to the provision of additional double yellow lines near the junction itself, and also the provision of a bus bay for the bus stop on the south side of Magdalen Yard Road immediately east of Step Row. Fraser has also spoken with the Leisure and Communities Department (who own and operate Magdalen Green) about additional measures to discourage the parking of cars on the Green itself and the link immediately below allows you to read and download the full story, as contained in a letter issued today (18th January 2006) to local residents.