Finance Convener supports benefits take-up campaign

Dundee City Council LibDem Finance Convener Councillor Fraser Macpherson today (Monday 20th March) met the team leading a major benefits take-up campaign in the City.
Cllr Macpherson joined council tax and housing benefit staff, welfare rights officers, Money Advice experts and Citizens Advice Bureau staff in the City's Wellgate Centre as they mount a week-long benefits awareness drive.
A roadshow will be at the Overgate Centre between Monday and Sunday March 20 - 26 showcasing general information on benefits and advice on where you can get more information and the forms to fill in to apply for benefits. Benefits advisers will be available at the Wellgate Centre (ground floor) and 18 City Square from 10am - 3.30pm between Monday and Friday of this week to offer direct help and advice.
The campaign will cover areas like housing benefit, council tax benefit, tax credits, disability and carers' benefits.
The benefit take-up campaign is supported by the Dundee Partnership, whose Financial Inclusion Action Plan ensures public access and affordable use of person, business and organisational financial products and services.
Councillor Macpherson said: "I hope that as many people as possible are able to take time to check out if they are claiming all the benefits they are entitled to.
"There is a huge range of expertise available over the course of the week to help them through the often-complex claims process."