Emphasising the importance of Europe - Dundee LibDems

On June 10th 2004, the Liberal Democrats secured the election of 12 Euro-MPs, our highest-ever number, including at least one in every region of England. Here in Scotland, Elspeth Attwooll MEP has proved to be a highly effective Member of the European Parliament.
The European Union impacts on many aspects of our daily lives and Liberal Democrats have always taken a positive an proactive approach to European issues.
Today - Monday 20th February 2006 - Dundee Liberal Democrats are emphasising the Liberal Democrat positive commitment to Europe.
The 12 LibDem MEPs have a website which gives detail of the work of the Liberal Democrat European Team. Elspeth Attwooll also has a useful website giving an insight into her work as Scotland's Liberal Democrat MEP. You can read more by following the links below.