Dundee Liberal Democrats say "We can cut crime"
Dundee East Liberal Democrat parliamentary spokesperson Dr Clive Sneddon has welcomed the new Liberal Democrat campaign "We can cut crime" being launched today (Monday 22nd January).
Dr Sneddon said, "This campaign is intended to turn the political debate from the blame game currently being played by some politicians and the media to practical measures which have already been shown to cut crime.
"One simple example for cutting burglary has been shown to be the provision of lockable gates to stop outsiders getting access to the back of a row of houses; another is the use of restorative justice, whereby the criminal has to explain themselves to their victims and do visible work in the community, such as litter picking, planting trees or cleaning up graffiti, which has produced a substantial drop in re-offending rates.
"Consulting with and implementing ideas from local communities helps reduce the opportunities for crime and helps secure a change of attitude to cut re-offending."
Dr Sneddon concluded, "I would encourage Dundee residents to help our campaign, and let us know their ideas for cutting crime in their area."
You can give Dr Sneddon your views on this issue by e-mailing him at cut.crime@dundeelibdems.org.uk