Dundee LibDems welcome good news for local Arts

Dundee Liberal Democrat local party Convener Raymond Lawrie has today (Tuesday 9th May) welcomed the Scottish Arts Council's decision to increase funding to the thriving arts community in Dundee.
Three Dundee-based arts organisations, Dundee Rep Theatre, Scottish Dance Theatre and Dundee Contemporary Arts are to receive a significant increase to funding from April 2007. The Rep grant will rise to £1m from £756,000, Scottish Dance Theatre from £528,000 to £800,000 and DCA from £369,000 to £500,000.
Raymond said, "This confirms that Dundee's status as a major cultural centre, not just in Scotland but internationally."
The increased funding is only committed for one year but Raymond is still optimistic about the future.
"At a time where funding is being reduced or withdrawn from many arts organisations this is major vote of confidence in Dundee," concluded Raymond