Dundee LibDems say Dave Cameron's message irrelevant to Scotland

Dundee LibDems today (4th March 2006) said that Tory Leader David Cameron's speech to Scottish Tories yesterday merely served to highlight just how out of touch the Tories remain and just how irrelevant they have become in the Scottish politics.
"Dave tries to steal Liberal Democrat clothes by claiming to be pro-environment where the Tory record says otherwise, claims to be against Labour's wasteful ID cards when in fact the Tories have voted for ID cards, and claims to support the LibDem opposition to the disastrous Iraq war when in fact the Tories enthusiastically supported Blair and Bush's war," commented LibDem Dundee councillor Fraser Macpherson.
"The public is not fooled - voters in Dunfermline and West Fife recently made clear just how irrelevant the Tories have become. Here in my own ward in Dundee, the Tories were fifth at the last Council elections and across Dundee West at last May's General Election, they came a poor fourth. The Liberal Democrats now offer the credible alternative."