Dundee LibDems highlight Labour's Rendition Scandal

Dundee Liberal Democrats today (5th April) added their voice to concerns about the rendition scandal and its endorsement of Bush's policy by Tony Blair and the Labour Government.
CIA aircrafts used in secret flights to transport terrorist suspects around the world made nearly 200 calls at British airports over the past five years, according to a report released today.
The report called 'Below the Radar: secret flights to torture or disappearance' by Amnesty International, is the latest investigation into the Bush Administration's controversial policy of "rendition", whereby suspected terrorists are moved to detention centres around the world.
Michael Moore MP, LibDem Shadow Foreign Secretary said, "This report indicates the horrifying scale and severity of the US programme. Extraordinary rendition is nothing less than the outsourcing of torture or other abuse. It can never be justified.
"It is staggering that rendition has been "fully endorsed" by the Prime Minister. It is about time the Government confronted their American counterparts, and asked exactly how many detainees have been rendered through the United Kingdom, and what has happened to them. As a leading ally on the so called 'war on terror', we should be asking hard questions about a practice that is both immoral and illegal."
Locally, Dundee LibDem party secretary Michael Charlton said, "All civilised people will be shocked by the rendition policy and Blair's endorsement of it. We fully back Amnesty International's call for a full independent public inquiry."