Dundee LibDems hail the success of www.dundeeliftshare.com

Dundee Liberal Democrat councillor Fraser Macpherson today highlighted the success of www.dundeeliftshare.com, which enables and encourages citizens to car share.
Across the UK, there are now more than 100,000 people registered with the UK's nationwide car-sharing scheme at www.liftshare.com. www.liftshare.com provides a free database where anyone can register a journey they are making and find out about other people who are travelling in the same direction.
Since the launch of our local www.dundeeliftshare.com in September 2005, there are already nearly 500 registered individuals, with this number increasing all the time. The male/female split is 50/50 and the average member is now saving over £1,100 a year by car sharing.
Based on matched journeys (27% of members), the annual savings in car use equates to a saving of 1.9 million miles per annum on the road network and approximately 207 tonnes of Co2 fuel and resultant emissions saved.
Major employers including Dundee City Council, NHS Tayside and the University of Dundee have all joined as private groups, promoting the benefits of car sharing to staff. There has also been interest from a number of other organisations.
Cllr Macpherson said, "I am very pleased at the success of www.dundeeliftshare.com thus far in creating more travel options for Dundee people and citizens across the wider adjacent areas in Tayside and Fife. There is no doubt that liftshare is making a contribute to reducing congestion, saving money, cutting down on pollution, and protecting our environment. The City Council has greatly supported liftshare and the need to develop alternative ways of travelling, including more efficient use of the car."