Dundee LibDems express concern over Labour's consultation on welfare reform

Dundee Liberal Democrats have today (Saturday 25th February) expressed concern about Labour's failure to ensure equal opportunities on welfare reform consultation.
In response to a question asked by Liberal Democrat Work and Pensions Spokesperson, Danny Alexander MP, the Government has revealed that the publication of an easy to read version of the welfare reform green paper has been delayed until 27th February 2006 more than a month after the initial publication of the document and five weeks into the 12 week consultation period.
Danny Alexander said, "Beyond the negative message this failure sends out, I am concerned that the views of those affected will not be given equal consideration if they are received when the evaluation of responses is already well under way. This shows the Government still has some way to go before it delivers on the right that disabled people have to equal opportunities for democratic participation."
Here in Dundee, LibDem spokesperson Cllr Fraser Macpherson said, "This green paper is important and extensive in scope. I am amazed the Labour government is treating equal opportunities in terms of this consultation with such scant regard."