Dundee LibDem Finance Convener pleased at highlighting of Tobacco Issue

Cllr Fraser Macpherson, Dundee's LibDem Finance Convener, today (Friday 14th April) said he was pleased that the Herald newspaper had highlighted his - and Dundee City Council's - unease at investment by local authority pension schemes in the multi-million pound tobacco industry.
Dundee City Council's Superannuation Investment Sub-Committee had previously sought Counsel opinion on the subject which had confirmed that local authority superannuation funds may only take into account financial considerations when making investment decisions.
Quoted in today's Herald, Cllr Macpherson said, "We are concerned about the contradictory position of promoting a healthy lifestyle for our workforce and the wider community on the one hand, and investing in tobacco companies on the other.
"Continued investment in tobacco companies flies in the face of the policy of promoting a healthy Scotland."