Dundee LibDem councillor pleased there's a good night's sleep again for Dundee hotel customers

West End LibDem City Councillor, Cllr Fraser Macpherson, today (Friday 25th August) said he was pleased that Scottish Water has advised him that they are taking immediate action to repair a rattling manhole cover outside the Premier Travel Inn in Riverside Drive.
Noise from the cover has been keeping the Travel Inn's customers off their sleep and Councillor Macpherson said that Scottish Water had promised to undertake a temporary repair with tar to stop the banging noise from the cover.
"Scottish Water tells me that a permanent repair will require traffic lights and a lane closure and is best undertaken on a Sunday," said Cllr Macpherson. "Therefore I am pleased that they are taking temporary action to get the noise problem removed meantime."
Scottish Water is undertaking the permanent repair on Sunday 2nd September.
"I am pleased that there's an end in sight to this problem and that the hotel's customers will get a good night's sleep once again," concluded Cllr Macpherson.
Cllr Macpherson has launched another local newsletter update to part of the West End today - you can read this by following the link below :