Dundee LibDem Councillor highlights West End graffiti problem

Dundee City Councillor for Tay Bridges Ward Cllr Fraser Macpherson has highlighted the complaints of many of his constituents in Dundee's West End about the extent of graffiti on "utilities' boxes" in the local area.
Cllr Macpherson says although the problem is significant in the West End, it is a city-wide issue. "The extent of graffiti on the boxes owned by various utilities - electricity, gas, mail and cable television companies being examples - is a significant problem in both the West End and indeed in other parts of the City," he said.
Cllr Macpherson recently undertook a survey of part of his Tay Bridges Ward in the West End and found no fewer than a dozen graffitied boxes in a fairly small area. He has brought these examples - together with photographic evidence - to the attention of the City Council's Legal Manager, who is attempting to resolve these specific cases, bringing them to the attention of the respective owners.
"I am advised by the City Council that Sections 58-65 of the Anti Social Behaviour etc (Scotland) Act 2004 enables a local authority to serve a "graffiti removal notice" on owners of street furniture and statutory undertakers whose property is defaced with graffiti. The notice requires the owner to clean up the graffiti within 28 days or such other period as is specified in the notice. If they fail to do so, the local authority can remove the graffiti and recover reasonable costs," said Cllr Macpherson.
The positive news is that the Council has found the majority of owners of street furniture and statutory undertakers have responded positively to the issue although discussions are ongoing with others.
"I am pleased that the graffitied boxes I have highlighted in the West End are being progressed with their owners. Many residents have highlighted just how unsightly the graffiti is," concluded Cllr Macpherson.