Councillors to meet NHS Tayside over hospital parking issue

Dundee City Council Leader, Cllr Jill Shimi, together with West End Councillors Fraser Macpherson and Neil Powrie, have today (Thursday 25th May) said that they are making arrangements to meet with NHS Tayside's chief operating officer Gerry Marr about the issue of car parking charges at Dundee's Ninewells Hospital.
Cllr Macpherson said, "This is an issue which has been of concern to many of my constituents and I think its important that we have constructive talks with NHS Tayside about the concerns.
"Constituents are not only concerned by the proposals to start charging visitors to A&E and the disabled, but are also concerned that the new pricing policy will force more cars onto the streets in the surrounding residential areas. I think there is great merit in sitting down with NHS Tayside and discussing the issues."
Update on news release - 4pm - 25th May 2006:
NHS Tayside has confirmed this afternoon to the Dundee City Council that Mr Gerry Marr is pleased to accept the invitation to meet with Cllrs Shimi, Macpherson & Powrie to discuss the hospital parking charges issue.
Cllr Fraser Macpherson said, "I am pleased that there has been a positive response from NHS Tayside to the request by Dundee City Councillors to discuss the hospital parking charges issue. This is a subject of considerable concern to many of our constituents and in light of this, I am pleased NHS Tayside is willing to discuss the issue with city councillors."