Cllr Helen Dick welcomes recycling news

Dundee Liberal Democrats have today (Monday 8th May) welcomed new statistics that show Scotland has recycled or composted over six percentage points more - from October to December 2005 - than in the same quarter in the previous year.
Scotland's LibDem Environment Minister Ross Finnie welcomed that in 2005 Scotland recycled/composted 22.8 per cent of municipal public waste - showing we remain on track are close to meeting our target of recycling 25 per cent of waste by 2006.
Mr Finnie said, "Scotland continues to make good progress with recycling and composting. In the calendar year 2005, we recycled/composted 22.8 per cent of our municipal waste. In the quarter from October to December 2005, we recycled/composted 22.9 per cent. The equivalent figures from SEPA for the quarter from October to December 2004 showed that we recycled/composted then just 16.6 per cent."
Locally, Dundee City Council's Liberal Democrat Vice Convener of Environmental Services and Sustainability, Cllr Helen Dick, said, "Dundee is very much in the forefront of Scotland's recycling efforts. Where, in the quarter from October to December 2005, across Scotland recycling/composting rates were an average of 22.9 per cent, the Dundee figure is 31.9%. I am very pleased that recycling remains a key priority of the LibDem/Labour administration here in Dundee."