Clive Sneddon - working for Dundee East
Dr Clive Sneddon, Liberal Democrat candidate for Dundee East, has been campaigning hard across the constituency.
One of the key questions Clive has been asked on the campaign trail is how the Liberal Democrats will create jobs in Dundee. Liberal Democrats know that it is businessmen and entrepreneurs who create jobs, and understand in particular that it is small and medium sized businesses which create the overwhelming majority of jobs.
So when Clive Sneddon was asked to open a new business on the Baldovie Industrial Estate,, to complement Michael Paul's existing business M G Maintenance, he at once agreed, and was the only party representative to do so. The basis for the new business is an identified gap in the market, in that garden maintenance generates garden waste, which needs to be offloaded at times of day that suit gardeners, and which can be reused and recycled more broadly than is presently the case, for the benefit in many cases of the gardens which have generated the waste.
Clive said, "This is genuinely a local solution to a local need, which has already generated jobs and looks likely to generate more. It is yet another answer to the Forth Energy bio-mass proposal, in showing that local reuse is better than costly extraction of fuel from imports."