Clive Sneddon welcomes LibDems topping Green Poll on Climate Change

Dundee East Liberal Democrat parliamentary spokesperson Dr Clive Sneddon has welcomed the result of an online poll conducted by Friends of the Earth. This poll puts the Liberal Democrats far ahead of the other main parties in caring about climate change.
Asked 'which of the three main parties cares most about climate change?', nearly 83 per cent of the respondents named the Liberal Democrats. The Conservatives were in second place on 12 per cent and Labour on 6 per cent. This result follows a poll by ICM for the Guardian based on a sample of 1,006 people which found that the Liberal Democrats were thought to be the party which would do most to protect the environment.
Clive said today (Saturday 27th May), "Already a year ago the Liberal Democrats were seen to be ahead of New Labour and the Conservatives in our concern for the environment and willingness to take action. This result is our strongest yet, and shows that people have been listening to Ming Campbell's recent speech about our environmental policy.
"Alone of the major parties and despite David Cameron's efforts, the Liberal Democrats want to change people's behaviour and invest in saving the planet, using the tax system not to raise yet more money but to encourage individuals and businesses to make the changes which will make the difference."