Clive Sneddon supports launch of LibDem Debt Summit

Dundee East Liberal Democrat parliamentary spokesperson, Dr Clive Sneddon, today (Wednesday 28th June) welcomed the launch of the Liberal Democrat Debt Summit.
Launched by LibDem Shadow Chancellor Vince Cable, it highlights the need for a programme of action to tackle the ever rising burden of personal debt.
Vince Cable said, "There is a distinct lack of preventative advice for people before the burden of debt becomes too much.
"Although there is some financial education and help for people when they are in difficulty, the focus should be on tackling this problem before it occurs. There should be a genuinely independent financial advice network to help people before financial hardship takes hold."
Locally, Dr Sneddon said, "Basic information about budgeting starts in school, so that everyone can know how to plan their finances sensibly. Dundee is affected by the general debt problem, and prevention is always better than cure."
You can download a copy of the Liberal Democrat report of personal debt by following the link below.