Clive Sneddon challenges Labour on the environment

Dr Clive Sneddon, Dundee East Liberal Democrat parliamentary spokesperson, has criticised Tony Blair's open letter to supporters of the "Stop Climate Chaos" campaign, in which he says environmental challenges should be top of the agenda for this generation of world leaders.
Clive Sneddon says: "On environmental issues, Tony Blair once a year talks the talk, but after nine years shows no sign he knows how to walk."
Norman Baker MP, the Liberal Democrat Shadow Environment Secretary, has re-released a six-point 'dossier of shame', demonstrating that Labour's record on climate change is shameful, with carbon emissions rising again.
Clive said today (2nd March 2006), "Only action will save the planet. And this needs to be local as well as international.
"What is Tony Blair doing to ensure, as the Germans are doing, that homes and businesses are fully insulated? What is Tony Blair doing to ensure a power grid to which homes with solar panels can contribute? What is Tony Blair doing to eliminate wasteful energy losses by the big generators?
"And for a truly effective international role, what is Tony Blair doing to secure acceptance of the Contraction and Convergence model, which will enable agreed international targets to be set to which everyone in the West will need to come down?"